Brownstone Real Estate salespeople are dedicated real estate professionals, committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all areas of housing services we provide. Our company prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person's real or perceived race, color, national origin, gender (including sexual harassment), gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, disability, marital status, partnership status, alienage or citizenship status, age, lawful occupation, lawful source of income, legal occupation, or any other current or future protected class or other factor illegal under federal, state, or city law.

Brownstone Real Estate supports Federal, state, and local efforts to eliminate housing discrimination and requires all agents to comply fully with all fair housing laws. Any discrimination toward any protected class by our salespeople in the performance of their expected duties will not be tolerated and will subject the agent to appropriate disciplinary or other measures.

We work diligently with our clients and customers to make clear our adherence to our principles and the principle of law as regards fair housing.

At Brownstone Real Estate, we make a dedicated, unceasing effort to comply with all aspects of the Fair Housing laws and to always be aware of changes and updates to the law. We continually apprise our agents of any changes and monitor our agents' practices to ensure compliance of the law throughout the company.